about me

John Kim

welcome to my gallery.

embedding playground

the openai playground is a massively helpful tool for building intuition about how to prompt models and iterating quickly. i was in a position where i wanted the same freedom with embeddings, and, coincidentally, so was my housemate Harshal Sheth.

hoping this is the start of a pattern - i think working on projects you can be proud of is the best thing you can do with friends, or people you want to be friends with.


our 2nd place project from the anthropic hackathon - built by core village + Honorary Villager Tejal. tl;dr can we simulate society with LLMs? what if we simulated individuals and their actions, and just let the Matrix world they live in evolve?

so we made twitter. we can legally name it that now.
(this joke didn't land as well as i hoped at the hackathon)


reimplementing GPT-2 from scratch is like a rite of passage. i made a small implementation in rust, which was terrible because 1. i was still building my understanding of LLMs and 2. i hadn't touched rust in a year. think everyone in AI should do this at least once - always surprised how much i learn from writing my own code.


the village's first public product launch - an AI text editor that uses your documents. then a celebration; now, bittersweet. i'm fond of the excitedly creative moments we shared while building it, but now a neither-dead-nor-alive remnant of a previous life (we still keep it up, at a loss, for the few subscribers who still pay for it).


the first and only dance i directed during my time in Yale Movement. had fun nitpicking the dancing and trying new ideas with the background video and intro sequence.

i feel a rush whenever i rewatch this. i miss the spotlight; something intoxicating about showing people your creative best, especially with the people who helped you get there.


the production i'm most proud of. spent hours shot planning, filming in the cold, and editing, lots of editing. it's too tempting a thought to try covering up every imperfection with software.

as always, shoutout to the film crew and dancers. in case you ever see this, i miss you all!

crit 1

the first set of photos i submitted for my photography crit. the second one was atrocious because I skipped every class to work on movement.

photography is hard; i found it impossible to really connect to any photography of inanimate objects. could've tried arranging objects in interesting ways to shoot, but it felt a little too fake. i was also too lazy to, and had no good ideas.

people, though, are always interesting.